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  • International standard
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  • Current
  • Proposal
  • Carbon management requirements for fossil fired power generation enterpriese

    Published at:Published by:Local Authorities
  • Guidance for event sustainability evaluation

    Published at:Published by:Standardization Administration of China
  • Technical specification for carbon inclusive project of carbon emission reduction accounting-low carbon traveling

    Published at:Published by:Local Authorities
  • Specification for taxonomy and assessment of climate investment and financing projects

    Published at:Published by:Local Authorities
  • Technical guide for construction of near-zero carbon port logistics parks

    Published at:Published by:Chinese Society of Technology Economics
  • Technical specification for evaluation of carbon footprint of products - Cotton fiber fabric

    Published at:Published by:Local Authorities
  • Technical specification for evaluation of carbon footprint of products - Silk fabric

    Published at:Published by:Local Authorities
  • Guidelines for traceability of wasted plastics from marine fishing and accounting for carbon emission reduction of its recycling

    Published at:Published by:All-China Environment Federation
  • Product carbon footprint—Product category rules—Rolling bearing

    Published at:Published by:Beijing Association of Green Design and Green Manufacturing Promotion
  • Green and low-carbon product evaluation standard uninterruptible power supply

    Published at:Published by:China Association for Promoting International Economic & Technical Cooperation